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GIS warmly welcomes the Guinea Bauxite Development and Management study class to visit and seek common development

Guinea Bauxite Development and Management study class visit GIS

On May 10, 2024, GIS welcomed a group of distinguished guests – bauxite development and management study class from Guinea to visit our company. Accompanied by Liu Min, chairman of GIS, the study class visited the company’s intelligent O&M center, production workshop, laboratory and other places, and learned about the company’s product development, production and manufacturing, intelligent O&M in detail.

The study class visit intelligent O&M center

The study class visit production workshop

During the discussion and exchange session, the study class had an in-depth exchange with GIS’s technical staff, and showed a strong interest in the cutting-edge technological innovation of Swedish R&D center, the rapid development of postdoctoral research stations and the global business layout. Liu Min made a comprehensive and in-depth response to this. He stressed the unique advantages of Guinea as a global bauxite reserve champion, as well as the comprehensive capabilities of GIS in equipment, technology, services and other aspects, believing that the cooperation between the two sides has broad prospects and can achieve efficient integration of resources and technology.

The study class conducted in-depth exchanges with GIS technicians

Liu Min said that GIS has a global layout, the branches set up in South Africa and Zimbabwe, marking the company’s deep cultivation in Africa. As Central and West Africa are the key regions of the Group’s future strategy, Guinea’s cooperation will undoubtedly become a new growth point. It is hoped that this trip will not only establish a solid cooperation channel between GIS and Guinea, but also attract and train local talents in Guinea, and jointly build a localized sales network to meet the market demand.

Liu Min answered questions from the study class

Lansana Tanzo, Deputy Director of the Mineral Quality and Quantity Evaluation Bureau of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of Guinea, expressed his sincere thanks to the warm reception of GIS and recognized the strong strength of GIS. He expressed his willingness to support GIS’s market expansion in Guinea, accelerate the implementation of specific cooperation projects, and seek common prosperity and development of the bauxite industry.

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